Friday, January 1, 2010

The First Three days for Kayla

Day one of the all new me
Yesterday I bought a shake weight to help me with my pesky flabby arms. I know it looks perverted but I can actually feel it working. I am looking into getting the ab circle pro or some wii game for some fun fitness. For now it is walking my adorable dog Simba a couple times around the track. I am starting off slow to get my body used to exercising. I have tons of workout videos too, and have turned the garage into a lovely and roomy workout area!

I had scrambled eggs and an English muffin for breakfast which was surprisingly filling. Sarah and I went to the movies with our friend Alissa and resisted all the food temptations there! Just say no is our motto! We then went grocery shopping and OMG our cart was full of…. VEGGIES! That’s right my fridge is now full of luscious greens and I am actually looking forward to making meals that include these foreign green things. I also got delicious apples, grapes and bananas! I got tomato basil wraps for yummy healthy lunches. It was much cheaper than my usual grocery store bill, and also much more healthy! I also got a box of Special K, the chocolately delight kind  and it is super good. I was always hesitant to try it because I thought it would taste bland because its healthy, but it is actually very good! Tomorrow is going to be a day filled with spring cleaning and of course exercise. School starts back up on Monday : )

Here is proof that my fridge has nothing but healthy food in it!


Day Two:
Today was a little bit harder than yesterday. I woke up late around 11 and ran some errands, then I ate a bowl of Special K and a banana. Sarah and I had a complete clean the house day, so that was my exercise and also a shake weight workout! I took a nap because I was so tired, but then went right back to cleaning. For dinner, Sarah and I made codfish and baked carrots and red potatos! It was so delicious, and I even ate more carrots than potatos. I got my blender and juicer out of the garage so I can have yummy fruit smoothies and real veggie/fruit juice! I haven't thought about junk food at all, and I have no desire to eat it. So far so good.

My Yummy and Healthy Dinner


Day Three:
Ok so day three... I am feeling great. I exercised with cardio for 30 minutes this morning and it was hard, I was surprised to feel how out of shape I am. I know with time I will be able to workout for 30 minutes without feeling like I am dieing. I went out with Sarah, Gabby and Alissa to lunch and the movies. We went to Dennys... not the best choice but I feel I made a healthy choice with a ham and egg omelette, no cheese and wheat toast. It was under 400 calories and didn't ruin my whole day. School starts tomorrow and this starts a whole new schedule of getting up at 5:30 am exercising, showering and heading to an 8 am class, everyday. I am hoping that this will put me on a nice routine of exercising every morning and eating small snacks/meals 6 times a day. I feel better and more healthier already.

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