Friday, January 1, 2010

Time for change...Gabby

My name is Gabrielle, I am 22 year old. I have always been overweight my whole life. I don't remember there being a time where I wasn't chunky. When I was younger, I always said I would lose weight this summer before school started, and make a grand enterance. Well, that never happened. Everyone has always told me it's so much easier to lose weight when you are young. I am 22 years old, and I am not getting any younger. So, instead of saying "Oh I will start the diet tomorrow, one last Starbucks/Energy drinks" it stops now. I have had one hundred "last fast food trips" and "Starbucks runs." I am not saying I won't eat fast food EVER or never have a Starbucks again in my life. For now, I just can't because I don't know how to control my need for that "Venti real Caramel white chocolate mocha fappacino" which I think has as many calories as a Big Mac. Which I can't ever just get a Big Mac, I have to have the meal, and at Taco Bell I just can't get one thing, I have to get three things. Right now, it just needs to come to a stop until I can learn how to moderate and chose healthier choices.

A new day starts now, and I am determined to be the women I think I am meant to be. I will never be pole skinny, and that is okay with me. I just want to be able to shop in normal stores for clothes, and not have to go into those special stores that carry my size. Being overweight, is a choice we make. We were never destined to be an obese, it is because of the choices we have made in our food industry, family, and personal lives that has led people down this path. I am chosing to put it to a stop. I don't want to be subject to diabetes, heart disease, and much more things that follow with being overweight. It stops now. 2010, will be a year of physical and spiritual change for my best friend, friends, mom, and I. And if one of us falls off the band wagon, well we will just have to pick them right back up. And if they stay off the band  wagon, then they are dissapointing themselves and the others we could effect. Let this be a year where I control food, not food controls me.

The glory about this year, is I'm not going to be starving myself this year. I'm not doing some CRAZY diet like Atkins, and YES that is a crazy diet and should never be done long term. I will just be eating healthier things and smaller portions, only eating when I am hungry. Not because everyone else is eating, or because my mind tells me I'm hungry. I have done those fad diets, I lost 70 pounds on Atkins, but no human can stick to a diet like that unless they want to die of heart failure at 40. So I went off the diet, and went nuts. Of course I gained most of that weight back. So instead of doing that dealthy diet again, I will try just eating and excersizing. I won't put a ton of money into Jenny Craig or Nutrasystem, which is just processed portion controled food. I can do this ON MY OWN. With my best friend and mother! We can do this without throwing away needless dollars at some diet or counting calories or carbs. We know, from our own intelligance what has a crap load of calories, carbs, and fat. We just have to say no to those things without paying someone to tell us their bad for us.

Things that will ultimatly happen, my family and I won't spend $300.00 on fast food or eating out. THAT IS SO MUCH MONEY! And we wonder why we have money troubles. $300.00 is a Iphone, a car payment, a plane ticket to somewhere AMAZING in the U.S., two hotel nights at the beach, and MANY other things. I can't wait to see how much money we save this year just by cutting out fast food and Starbucks. Here is my example, I have spent $150.00 on fastfood, Starbucks, and eating out in a month and a half. That is just my budget. That's not including my moms whose goes to $300.00-$500.00 a month! With the whole family. That is SO MANY grocery trips! Trust me when I say, It costs WAY more to eat crap then it does to eat right.

There are many reasons why I am doing this, but most of them are because I just want to be healthy. And there is no such thing as being obese and healthy. So it is time for a CHANGE.

Through this year, there will be many more things to talk about, journeys I take with my friends and family, things I discover about myself, ect. So, 2010 BRING IT ON!

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